21 December 2023
17 December 2023
Coogee ISO Tanks
Shot a block of Coogee 22T6 tanks on 7SP5 the other day. All were coded ETCU which I think is Eurotainer. Coogee do a lot of chemical transport in WA.
12 December 2023
Aurizon Intermodal
Aurizon have made a come back into intermodal services, now with a MB/BM service and also an SP/PS service running via the main south. Here are a few photos from the last few weeks.
The consists include a lot of new QQYY 40ft skels.
02 December 2023
Narrandera Graincorp Silos
I had a recent road trip and grabbed these drone shots at Graincorp Narrandera.
The mushroom silo is a pretty standard A191 (19,050t capacity) and the 6 steel bins behind are an S132 type (2,200t per bin for a total of 13,200t)
30 October 2023
21 October 2023
CLP9 Auscision and BGUYs
Thanks to some late running the day before, the SSR Grey train departed Maldon early Friday morning in perfect light for a shot at Bargo.
CLP9 has only been in service for a few weeks, and has been leading this service on the down for a little while.
11 October 2023
A bit odd...
07 October 2023
Primary Connect
The two of these are a favourite of mine. Like a specially painted loco, these are two pretty rare containers in the Lindsay Transport fleet. Of the 700 or so containers, there are only two. This one being LTCD 4619 90 (the other is ..89).
04 October 2023
Return of the DRCX!
Haven't seen one of these for ages. And boy, do they look crappy!
Originally Boxcar 48ft containers from the late 1990s, these got a repaint a few years back.
Here is DRCX 267 from Perth to Sydney.
27 September 2023
RZXY Wheel Carrier
Haven't seen many of these in recent years, so it was a bit of a surprise to score it on the back of MB4 on Sunday.
They looked like worn out wheels, possibly heading for Maintrain in Sydney. These could have been picked up en route at Cootamundra or travelled from Melbourne.
This was was RZXY 2181 in original CR red.
23 September 2023
More New Old Lindsay Reefers
A couple more former Scotts Refrigerated reefers (now owned by Lindsay Transport)
20 September 2023
NR30 Great Southern
18 September 2023
Fullerton California
Spent a cloudy Saturday at Fullerton California. During the day, over a 6 hour period I managed to grab 9 BNSF freights running between passenger services.
I think everything was GE with lead units Gevos, but scored a few Warbonnets, a H1 dash 9 and quite a few H2 painted units.
7 trains were stacks, one was TOFC and ended the day with a big 7 unit lash up on a manifest.
16 September 2023
13 September 2023
NR52 - RUOK Day
14th September is RUOK Day.
Here is a shot of NR52 with full side branding taken a few days earlier racing towards Melbourne.
05 September 2023
Straight Link CS Leasing Containers
Historically, CS Leasing boxes with Toll Shipping were recoded to a 'TS' prefix, such as TSHB for 20ft bulk container. With Toll Shipping now Straight Link, the TS has been replaced with 'SL' prefix on the leased CSL boxes.
Below are a few SLZU (CS Leasing) recode examples.
The 20ft bulk containers are SLHB and appear in both the 511 and 512 series boxes.
The 40ft High Cubes are SLFD and are the most recent run of 740 series boxes, with sighting within the range of 740471 to 740745, indicating potentially more than 300 of them.
02 September 2023
Go Pies - Austrans Repaint
This old Seacell was just repainted by Austrans to support the 2023 AFL minor premiers, the Collingwood Magpies.
I was pretty stoked to get it this morning on MS2, Sydney bound.
It has been recoded from AUSU to PREM and numbered 2023.
Great work by the Austrans team, and what a unique box to send around the country!
30 August 2023
Qube QL019
Qube's Reconciliation Action Plan includes an artwork by Sydney based indigenous artist Darren Charlwood. The artwork titled 'Yindyamarra' is a Wiradjuri word that describes respect, gentleness, kindness and balance.
The artwork has been applied to both QL019 and QL020 and includes indigenous trade routes.
Here QL019 is leading two leased CF units on 3966 grain from the Riverina to Port Kembla, passing through Bargo.
25 August 2023
ARLS Not Recoded
Posted back in June was a blog about ARLS reefers being marked and branded for Lindsay Transport. So far there are around 7 that have been completed and are LTCD 461501-461507, however one or two do have any logos.
I had heard that an ARLS reefer had be rebranded but not recoded. Today was the day for a shot, with this reefer passing through on PS7.
Here is ARLS 448, carrying the original road number but fully marked for Lindsay Transport.
23 August 2023
Cronos Half Heights
Been a few Cronos (Seaco) CSXU half heights transferring back up north on PN intermodal jobs. Here are a few from last week.