30 August 2023

Qube QL019

Qube's Reconciliation Action Plan includes an artwork by Sydney based indigenous artist Darren Charlwood.  The artwork titled 'Yindyamarra' is a Wiradjuri word that describes respect, gentleness, kindness and balance.  

The artwork has been applied to both QL019 and QL020 and includes indigenous trade routes.

Here QL019 is leading two leased CF units on 3966 grain from the Riverina to Port Kembla, passing through Bargo.


25 August 2023

ARLS Not Recoded

Posted back in June was a blog about ARLS reefers being marked and branded for Lindsay Transport.  So far there are around 7 that have been completed and are LTCD 461501-461507, however one or two do have any logos.

I had heard that an ARLS reefer had be rebranded but not recoded.  Today was the day for a shot, with this reefer passing through on PS7.

Here is ARLS 448, carrying the original road number but fully marked for Lindsay Transport.


23 August 2023

Cronos Half Heights

Been a few Cronos (Seaco) CSXU half heights transferring back up north on PN intermodal jobs.  Here are a few from last week.


19 August 2023

New Austrans Containers

Austrans have just taken delivery of a stack of brand new containers.  These are super bright in a redish-orange livery with a huge 'A' on the side.  The following is a bit of a run down of the new boxes:

AUSU 400000 Series.  Seems to be around at least 300 of these.  They have the CS Leasing CPC logo in the corner to denote pallet wide, and the doors are the same as the SLZU 740000/750000 series.   Likely supplied by CS Leasing.

AUSU 423000 series appear to be fewer in number (maybe 5), but appear to be numbered by SCF containers.  These container are marked as 45G1, and have standard shipping container doors.  They are easy to pick with white highlighted corners and fork pockets.

Austrans have taken delivery of two types of reefers.  This series is number AUSU 460000 and reported by Austrans as being a fleet of 150.  So far, only low numbers have been sighted in traffic.  They have a carrier reefer unit and on the end doors carry the CS Leasing and Intermodal Solutions logos.  They are easily picked by their yellow 40ft posts.  

Already posted here, Austrans also have a number of SCFU 823000 series reefers dual marked, as SCF and Austrans.  Potentially 20 or so, as the running numbers seen have all been between 823030 and 823048 (total 10 sighted).

Finally, Austrans have some 48ft containers also, which look great with the white 40ft posts.  These appear to be numbered by SCF, as they are 480000 series, but are in a strange block starting around 480180s and going to 480230s (or similar), so maybe 50 in this group and a number series that doesn't yet make sense.  The colours on the first shot are pretty bright and is one of the last shots I took with my Pentax before going across to Canon.


18 August 2023

Tiger Containers

I love the graphics on this Tiger Containers (THGU) 40ft 45G1 lease container.



06 August 2023

Austrans SCFU Reefers

Last week new SCF reefers marked for Austrans appeared to be doing the shuffle from Brisbane to Melbourne.  Over 3 days, about 10 were sighted, with the number range 823030-823048, so most likely at least 20 or so in this block.

Here are a few photos of SCFU 823 series reefers.  

Austrans have also taken delivery of 150 AUSU reefers which have started running to Perth.
