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PQAY 2003 (I think the last of the PQAY wagons left in service). This was carrying two grey RV containers loaded with copper bundles. The RV containers have a flat base where as the RH containers have cradles for coil.
Some loaded tilt beds in the foreground, and a BHP rake of CR wagons with shunters platforms at each end.
Down near Port Kembla station is a rake of old BLXA hopper wagons, which were coded RHDF about 10 years ago. These have been stored for a long time, and whispers indicate that they may be forming a new coal rake for PN.
They have lifted up one end of each hopper and have them resting on jumbo coil cradles.
A late running BW4 a few weeks backs, and a small parting from the clouds, allowed me to grab these quick steel train photos.
An RQRY with a CS container for coiled steel rod. All RQRY wagons are now allocated to steel traffic and are either fitted with the CS containers or the RIC (rod in coil) container frames.
An RCJY with a loaded scrap bin - with some railway wheels as part of the load!
In what could be a real simple operation to model, the rollingstock is very interesting.
Slag is sent to Port Kembla in open wagons, and is lifted from the wagon using an excavator with a magnetic attachement (very similar to the one show in Model Railroader Feb 2011). Once removed and placed on the ground, it is then troucked around the corner to be melted for re-use.
The wagons used are normally RCDX, RKCX, ROSX, VOFX, and lately some ore ROQFs have been sighted (a good use for the Austrains models).
Here are a few photos from 14/2/2011.
RCDX 32 with AN logo and a NSW XG type bogie on one end.
RCDX 64 with a NSW XLB bogie on the B end.
4 ROQF wagons were on the train and loaded with slag.
VOFX 1126 being unloaded.
Going back for more....VOFX 1126 and VOFX 1062 to the right.