28 May 2011

Port Waratah 18 May

A few shots from around Port Waratah/Morandoo a few weeks back.

Pride of the PN fleet?  8040 has seen better days.

A pair of CFCLA ELs on a PN Pelton/Austar coal train stabled at Port Waratah during track work. 
The smallest wagons operating in the Hunter Valley are the NHTF 76t gross hoppers - being hauled by the ELs in the photo above.  NHTF 36401.

Repainted NHVF 35159 - probably a Varley's repaint. 

Shunters float NZAF 87010, from memory ex Cylde.
Rod in Coil RCOF 20913 - not the unusal (For RCOF wagons) XH type bogies.
RKHF 20293 with the centre divider installed to split the rod load.

A modern rod in coil wagon, RQRY 1102 with a SSR Bendigo Workshops build RIC container frame.



  1. Chris,

    8040 - Yes, Pride of the fleet. Still goes well tho...and 1st 80 class with an ICE radio!

    NHVF 35159 - Was overhauled at the 'NEW' Southern Coal fleet maintenance facility at 'OLD' Lithgow loco. There are another 4 there with only blue 'bottoms', sides unpainted.

    NZAF 87010 - Smelly livestock wagon, sour milk pot wagon then Clyde shunters float...thence kicked out of Clyde due to lack of room. What did it do to deserve that kind of career?

    SSR RIC Coil frame - Got any plans kicking around? I never have a measuring device around when I get close to one, but I do know that the majority of the RHS is 1 x 1.5 mobile phones in size! :)


  2. G'day Joshy,

    I have seen the blue bottomed NHVFs at Lithgow, so had a feeling that 35159 was from there also.

    Will have a look for some RIC plans.

    Any ideas waht RT is based at Lithgow?



  3. Hi mate,

    There were 3 RT's at ENY, not sure on numbers but i'll have a look next time i'm there. They are earmarked to be repair siding shunt engines (after we teach the Flying Gang to drive) and the Litghow one is to be the same.

  4. The Lithgow one is RT28, which means the 3 at Enfield are 18, 43 and either 48 or 52 I guess?

    One still at PK?

  5. Chris,

    The Lithgow one was one of the 3 @ ENY.

    Dunno about PTK, I'll ask around.
