A few shots from the Highlands on 11/08/2011
NHSH 42623 on the Tahmoor Coalie with a missing end guard.
RCSF 14 at MIttagong with checker plate coils.
RKAF 4, 2, and 1 all together through Maldon on NP3.
Partially rebuilt RKWY 3002 with a load of pipes.
RKYY 7091 with a load of out of gauge plate steel.
RQTY 15 with halk height containers filled with steel balls.
Shabby looking VOFX at Aylmerton on PW4, fitting with NSW 2CF/CFC type bogies.
Motley colours VOFX 292 - a favourite of mine.
The steel balls would be for a mineral mine, gold, silver etc. They are used inside mills to grind rocks into a paste to extract the minerals.
That load was shown from OneSteel Newcastle to OneSteel Whyalla. Not sure if the balls were for OneSteel or a customer.