22 December 2012

Hot Metal...comin' thru...

A shot from back in 2010, when the RKHFs were freshly overhauled, and this particular one had a cleaned HOT METAL sign still attached from previous slab and billet workings.

20 December 2012

Chase South - Qube 1815

With a fine afternoon on the south, and the pleasing combo of 600/RL, it was about time for a south chase this summer - with a few good friends of course.
602/RL303 departing Goulburn.
Rounding the curves in the Cullerin Ranges.
On sunset at Rocky Ponds
A portrait of 602 in the Cullerins.
New build for CFCLA, out of BRO Workshops is 60ft skel class CQJY.  About 60 are in service with Qube.
Another CQJY photo.
Earlier in the day, single NR55 led NY3, snapped here at Towrang.  The single NR on a very long load of empties struggled to maintain speed in various sections and slowed Qube 1815 in some parts (made for an easier chase).
Wheel carrier RZXY, with a load requiring reprofiling.

18 December 2012

Aylmerton Today

A few interesting movements today back the back door. 
First one was NY3 with a transfer of two TT locomotives which were involved in a hard hit up/collision a few weeks back.  TT117 and 104 are headed for Downer EDI Port Augusta for work.
A little later, Aurizon's BM7 came through with 6026 on a delivery run.

08 December 2012

Kwinana WA

Below are a heap of random shots around Kwinana, including LZ, S, and DBZ locos.
Departing south with an empty bauxite train.
Light engine to pick up the acid tanks.
Empty bauxite train entering Kwinana Yard.
Alumina train departing for the south.
Coal train heading for the south.
DBZ 2311 stabled in the yard.
LZ 3105 with a propelling shunt of cyanide tanks.
LZ 3105 departing Kwinana heading north/west.
Shunting the yard ready for a loco swap.
Stabled in the yard.
Carrying out the lococ swap.

29 November 2012

CBH Watco Collection

A selection of Watco CBH equipment from WA.
CBH 118 on standard gauge.
The rear end of CBH 118
CBH 002 and a rather yankie style service truck.
CBHN 1004
Unusual partner to 1004 is CBHN 1419 - Built at either end of the project!
ALl the above shots are from Kwinana.
CBH 001 and 002 in the Avon Valley.  A bit of sun would have been nice!
CBH 017 crossing MP9 near Toodyay.
CBH 001 at a crossing near Toodyay.
CBH 017 arriving at Avon Yard (Northam).

25 November 2012

Rollingstock Photography Books

G'day Everyone,

I've started to work on some books containing my railway and rollingstock photos.  The first one I have completed is from an epic trip to the Pilbara in 2008. 

Book details, and ordering information is container at the link below on my rollingstockbooks Blog.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.




WA - SCT Toodyay

While not exclusively WA operations, here is a shot from between Northam and Toodyay.  Some of the locals may have a more accurate name for the location.
I remember quite a few years ago reading sightings in Railway Digest from the Toodyay correspondant.  It was a place on Dad's list where he wanted to go see trains - just that it was a little far away from Sydney.  Unfrotunately Dad will never get to see the place, but I think I adequately covered if on his behalf!
Here are some photos of a pretty standard SCT consist.
SCT 006 leading SCT 002.
Inline fuel wagon PQFY 4241.
Former NSW carriage, now crew car PSDS 2279.
Double stacked well wagon PWWY 40.  This wagon was build just down the road from me at Bradken Mittagong.
PQMY 4229 with a container I haven't seen on the east coast.
Gemco built PQIY 32.
Reefer ARFY 2253 with a well worn livery.
Unfortunately only half of rebuild VQDW 22.  Here is PQDY 22 with 70T ride control bogies.

24 November 2012

WA Narrow Gauge Wagons

A nice selection of narrow gauge wagons from Kwinana.
The first 5 wagons shown here are ex QR VAO type hoppers, with the top 4 used for coal.  Here is VAOC 36200.
VAOC 36207
VAOG 36099
VAOK 34552
Woodchip hopper VAOW 36262.
XBC 31023.  I think this may actually be a standard gauge bauxite hoppers.
XC 21089 bauxite hopper with WAGR markings.
XC 21128 bauxite hopper with Westrail markings.
XC 21068 bauxite hopper with WAGR markings, and a replaced bogie.
XGF 20809 bauxite hopper.
Alumina wagon XP 24607.
Alumina wagon XP 24609.
The oddo ne out - taken at Northam, grain hopper XV 24803.