While not exclusively WA operations, here is a shot from between Northam and Toodyay. Some of the locals may have a more accurate name for the location.
I remember quite a few years ago reading sightings in Railway Digest from the Toodyay correspondant. It was a place on Dad's list where he wanted to go see trains - just that it was a little far away from Sydney. Unfrotunately Dad will never get to see the place, but I think I adequately covered if on his behalf!
Here are some photos of a pretty standard SCT consist.
SCT 006 leading SCT 002.
Inline fuel wagon PQFY 4241.
Former NSW carriage, now crew car PSDS 2279.
Double stacked well wagon PWWY 40. This wagon was build just down the road from me at Bradken Mittagong.
PQMY 4229 with a container I haven't seen on the east coast.
Gemco built PQIY 32.
Reefer ARFY 2253 with a well worn livery.
Unfortunately only half of rebuild VQDW 22. Here is PQDY 22 with 70T ride control bogies.