The final train for ANZAC day was NY3.
NR49 leading another triple NR combo.
Former RKEX, now RKEF 23.
A favourite of mine, RKEX 2, with modified side walls. Note a few repairs stancions.
Standard RKEX 29.
Staple diet of most steel services are the billet 3-packs. Here is RKKY 7345.
Rail pair RKLF 177.
Now set for high speed, RKMY 72 is loaded with butter boxes.
RKNX 1125 has the same origins as the RKMY, but isn't high speed and hasn't had the extension body modificatios to reduce the tare weight.
WIth a very leigible AN logo, RKWY 2515 is returning empty to Whyalla.
Shamed by a cloud, but never the less this wagon is worthy of being shown - RQNW 11 is fitted with Aligned bogies. This wagon was former AQDW 11. Many AQDW wagons were fitted with 70t ride control bogies.
Not only are the Aligned bogies interesting but so is the way they are fitted...........