31 January 2020

Pedemont Side Door

Haven't seen one of these before.  Pedemont side door container PHS 458.


23 January 2020

G534 LINX Transfer

A bit of an odd job, with LINX G534 running a transfer of two wagons from CFCLA Goulburn back to Enfield this morning.


15 January 2020

Oversized Containers at Noumea

It has been a hectic start to the year after a nice cruise over the Christmas period.  One of the stops was Noumea in New Caledonia, and due to the size of the ship, we had to berth at the container terminal (I was probably the only person who was happy about that).  

I have a few sets of photos to post, but though I would start the year off this these funky 6 containers.  

NRDU 000001-000006, which are classified as 4NGJ type containers.  

These look to be accommodation containers and you can see they are extremely wide.

Enjoy and Happy New Year!