An ROOX still in ANR red (dirty brown). Unfortunately the Australian National Railways board has been repainted with a PacNat logo. The wagon was empty and loaded with timbers.
RKOX 4 with an XG NSW bogie fitted. The XG type bogies are becoming more common under steel wagons these days.
An upgraded RKHF 20346 loaded with slab. Only last week this wagon was loaded with reo bar. The upgrade on these wagons allows for different types of loads to be moved, increasing the utilisation of the wagon.
An upgraded RKEF 33 loaded with slab. Only last week this wagon was loaded with reo bar. The upgrade on these wagons allows for different types of loads to be moved, increasing the utilisation of the wagon. An RKEX is in front, still fitted with 50t bogies.
RKGF 20434 with upgraded side posts for billet and slab work. This one has rebuilt side panels.
RKFX 53 has a modified side wall. Probably a repair after damage occurred.
This is one funky tarp. RKCX 1077.
The RCWF wagons are somehow still surviving. Here are two on the back of the train - due to draw gear restrictions. The lead one is lightly loaded.